Position AI Developer/Data Scientist

Welcome to JELLYSPACE, Berlin’s first Blockchain based AI-Startup that is trying to level-up the current infrastructure of Supply Chains in the Space & Aerospace Industry. To further develop our Proof of Concept (PoC) into a beta-product, we are looking for:

Required Qualifications & Skills

Masters/PhD in Data Science Engineering or Computer Science (Higher experience can compensate the academic degrees)
  • Very high competence in Python & Julia (willingness to learn Julia if not well-versed on it)
  • Experience with various opensource ML/DL libraries/SDKs, implementing concepts from papers/publicatons etc.
  • Familiarity with standard AI packages e.g. TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Pandas, Scikit- learn etc.
  • Experience with Synthetic Data generation libraries/SDKs or willingness to learn andexperiment with GANs/TimeGAN, packages like Faker, Alembic | Flyway
  • Experience with MLOps Pipelines
  • Experience with Language and Embedding Models (Willingness to learn quickly and create PoC frameworks, deploy and demo)
  • Must have good understanding of non-functional requirements (performance, scalability, maintainability, security)
  • Ability to work with distributed teams efficiently
  • Experience with data management concepts (big data/ETL)
  • Experience working in an Agile Development Environment
  • Experience working in a Linux Environment
  • Familiarity with Secure Development practices
  • Above all willingness to take initiative, be proactive, learn new things and having apetite to work in a high-pace startup environment, experiment and deliver with Scrum deadlines is paramount.

Desired practical experience

  • Decision Trees, Random Forests, Support Vector Machines (SVM), Bayesian Networks, Neural Structured Learning (NSL) and Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM)
  • Experience or exceptionally good understanding of Machine Learning Modeling
  • Experience or know-how of LLMs, Vector Databases, Postgres or Oracle etc.
  • Cloud platform e.g. AWS | GCP or NVIDIA

You will

  • Fundamentally create a groundwork for a platform that combines Machine Learning and Blockchain together. Thus, Julia Programming language expertise or willingnes to learn & work on it to create features is important.
  • Build new features, products, integrations and framework that combine multiple platforms.


Understanding of Deep Convolutional GANs (DCGANs), Conditional GANs (cGANs), and
Wasserstein GANs (WGANs) etc.

Experience or willingess to explore/exploit NVIDIA products

We Offer

  • An opportunity to be a part of a groundbreaking AI + Blockhain-DLT platform.
  • A dynamic and innovative working environment.
  • Competitive salary and equity package.
  • Remote work flexibility.
  • A chance to lead and grow with a passionate and talented team.

Book a call to apply for the job:

More about Jelly Space:

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